Looking for spiral candlestick plans
(too old to reply)
Jack Casuso
2007-10-08 16:08:08 UTC
Back it the late 50's early 60's, Popular Mechanics magazine ran an article
with plans for making spiral cut candlesticks in the form of a double helix
without using a lathe. I contacted Popular Mechanics magazine but they told
me they could only provide me with the plans if I could tell them the date
and issue they were in. I can't. Does anyone have the plans or the issue
and date information?
Ken Stephens
2008-04-08 01:31:41 UTC
Post by Jack Casuso
Back it the late 50's early 60's, Popular Mechanics magazine ran an article
with plans for making spiral cut candlesticks in the form of a double helix
without using a lathe. I contacted Popular Mechanics magazine but they told
me they could only provide me with the plans if I could tell them the date
and issue they were in. I can't. Does anyone have the plans or the issue
and date information?
I don't know whether you are still looking for such plans. If so, take
a look at the link below.

Ken Stephens
Augusta, GA

Ken Stephens
2008-04-08 01:32:24 UTC
Post by Jack Casuso
Back it the late 50's early 60's, Popular Mechanics magazine ran an article
with plans for making spiral cut candlesticks in the form of a double helix
without using a lathe. I contacted Popular Mechanics magazine but they told
me they could only provide me with the plans if I could tell them the date
and issue they were in. I can't. Does anyone have the plans or the issue
and date information?
I don't know whether you are still looking for such plans. If so, take
a look at the link below.

Ken Stephens
Augusta, GA

2013-08-25 01:38:06 UTC
Post by Jack Casuso
Back it the late 50's early 60's, Popular Mechanics magazine ran an article
with plans for making spiral cut candlesticks in the form of a double helix
without using a lathe. I contacted Popular Mechanics magazine but they told
me they could only provide me with the plans if I could tell them the date
and issue they were in. I can't. Does anyone have the plans or the issue
and date information?
If anyone is still interested, the article is in book #3, page 454 "Double-spiral candlestick" by E. R. Haan. The book is copyrighted 1968.